Thursday, July 29, 2010

We're Living In The Age Of T.M.I.!!

That's right, too much freaking information (T.M.F.I.?!?!?!). Whether we like it or not, it's out there for us to deal with whether we like it or not. And I really don't like it. Now, I don't think I'm a prude, but seriously, I long for the days of childhood when certain things were never discussed. It was so much better thSettingsat way. For example:

Went to get my salad out of the department fridge, and a colleague had left his/her Activia yogurt on top of it. Now, not only do I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate yogurt, but can anyone here safely say that Activia doesn't connote, well, irregularity? I don't want to think about one of my co-workers having this problem. They call it brown-bagging for a reason, people, put it in a bag, and put your name on it, so I can safely ignore it, and not get grossed out before eating my lunch. Ew!

I couldn't care less what happens to Lindsay Lohan in jail. Really. Don't care how she looks in the orange jumpsuit, don't give a crap that they didn't remove her hair extensions, like they do with other, non-famous prisoners (T.M.I. squared!). Don't give a flying rat's ass that she's upset and despondent. If you can't do the crime, don't do the time! Celebrities should go to jail for their stupidity just like the rest of us. And especially, do I need to see her picture everywhere I turn on the Internet? Is it a slow news day?

The whole Mel Gibson thing? T.M.I.! I have no doubts that old Mel is a few cans short of a sixpack (and he probably is a racist/anti-Semitic MoFo to boot), but after the third tape was released, I realized the whole thing sounded very scammy to me. And guess what - that's what they're now saying it was. I never listened to the tapes online, I figured if I wanted to hear Mel go ballistic, I just had to watch one of the Lethal Weapon movies. Okay, so he's a celebrity and this is really bad P.R., but who hasn't said something stupid on the phone ... because no one is supposed to be listening? One "news" story I would gladly do without.

Now, in case you are thinking I've lost it right about now, I will disclose that my favorite cable TV show right now is Game Show Network's BAGGAGE, hosted by Jerry Springer. Not T.M.I. because they're telling you straight up that they're gonna tell you embarrassing stuff, so if you tune in, you're consenting. I laugh my ass off watching that show, especially how daters get so upset because the opened baggage says, "I don't believe in G*D" or "I sleep with rats." The one occasion where there can't be T.M.I. is when you're about to date someone, when Jerry Springer's hosting the show (you asked for it!), and especially when the show's called BAGGAGE! Did you think it was a HSN promo for Louis Vuitton? NOT!!!

I do tend to think the show runners over-dramatize perfectly normal baggage to get people to have a loud, noisy, obnoxious reaction, but if you ask me, Game Show Network was created especially for that purpose. The fact that they don't use profanity, and are putting it out there pretty straight-forwardly, I can respect. Sure beats the heck out of those dating websites, no?

In case you're reading this and want to email me your thoughts about it, great, but remember, don't include T.M.I. or I may have to mock you mercislessly in my next note. You've been warned!!!


P.S. please feel free to add your T.M.I. candidates below. Just keep it clean, people!